Friday, May 13, 2011

Well hello there...

I figure I should explain my reasoning for setting up my blog, because everyone on the internet surely has one, right? First off, I am a huge sports fan--as long as its not soccer, I'm watching it. Second off, I hope to pursue a career in sports journalism and honestly, my sports journalism-istic skills need some serious honin'. My hope is this blog will provide said honin'; plus this gives me a great medium to spew my wacky thoughts ! If your hoping for any hard hitting, deeply analytical sports analysis your not likely to get it. If your hoping from some foul-mouthed sports rants with lots of poop jokes, then brother, I've got you covered.


  1. Well welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Sounds like you got some ideas for future posts, looking forward to reading them!

  2. there will most certainly be poop jokes

  3. Poop jokes, hell yeah! Just put whatever you want, sports will work out just fine if you go that way.

  4. Welcome to blogging. I'm a starter too!

    It just looks harder than it really is. Good luck!

  5. Welcome to the world..... of blogging

  6. i am also a huge sports fan, good to see another one

  7. Ah whats wrong with soccer! haha. Welcome to the blogging community!

  8. I started blogging pretty recent. Keep the puns fresh brother.

  9. i started blogging today, welcome 8)

  10. I love poop jokes! But how can you not like soccer?!?
    I just started blogging too, it's kinda weird typing out all your thoughts though. I'm hoping to get some conversations on my stuff!

  11. lookin forward to know the news on sports!

  12. Wish you well in your journalism career. We all got to start somewhere, babysteps. Right?
